Enhancing Your Online Safety with Westnet

As an Internet Service Provider (ISP), our commitment is to provide dependable, high-quality broadband. What sets us apart is our genuine concern for our customers’ online safety. Explore our guidelines on dealing with cybercrime if you ever find yourself a victim. While we don’t offer legal advice, we’re here to assist you in accessing the right support

Streaming Devices (Dodge box)

At Westnet, we recognize the allure of unconventional streaming devices. While we’re committed to delivering top-notch broadband services, we prioritize the well-being of our customers. If you’re using one of these devices, we strongly recommend checking out this informative article https://bestreamwise.com/#risks

When using unauthorized streams, whether on free websites, apps, add-ons, or devices, there’s a potential risk of encountering malicious software. This grants criminals access to your network or device, compromising your personal data. 

Taken from bestreamwise.com 


1 in 3 (32%) people who illegally stream in the UK say they, or someone they know, have been a victim of fraud, scams, or identity theft as a result.


 To enhance security, we suggest connecting your streaming device to the dedicated guest network on your FritzBox. This keeps your streaming device on a separate network, ensuring isolation from your private network. Here’s how to set up and connect to the guest network.

To set up a guest network on a FritzBox 7530:


1. Open your web browser and enter the FritzBox’s IP address in the address bar (usually http://fritz.box or

2. Log in with your FritzBox credentials.

3. Navigate to “Home Network” in the menu.

4. Select “Network” and then “Network Settings.”

5. Scroll down to “Guest Access” and click on “Edit” next to the desired frequency (2.4 GHz or 5 GHz).

6. Enable the “Guest access to the internet” option.

7. Customize the guest network settings, such as the network name (SSID) and password. You can also set a time limit for guest access if needed.

8. Save your changes.

Your FritzBox 7530 should now have a configured guest network. Guests can connect to this network using the provided SSID and password, and they’ll have internet access while being isolated from your main network.

Text scams

In a world dominated by technology and instant communication, text messaging has become an integral part of our daily lives. While it serves as a convenient way to stay connected, it’s crucial to be aware of the growing threat of text scams that target unsuspecting individuals. In this blog post, we’ll explore the various forms of text scams, common tactics employed by scammers, and most importantly, how you can protect yourself from falling victim to these schemes. Westnet will never text you regarding a competition

Types of Text Scams

1. Phishing Texts

Phishing texts often masquerade as messages from reputable sources, such as banks, government agencies, or well-known businesses. These messages typically contain urgent requests for personal information, such as passwords or credit card details.

2.Smishing (SMS Phishing)

Smishing involves the use of text messages to trick individuals into divulging sensitive information. Scammers may send messages claiming that the recipient has won a prize or that there is an issue with their account, prompting them to click on malicious links.

 3. Spoofed Texts

Spoofed texts involve the manipulation of the sender’s information to make it appear as though the message is coming from a trusted source. This technique is commonly used to deceive individuals into responding to fake alerts or requests.

Common Tactics Employed by Scammers

1. Urgency and Fear Tactics: Scammers often create a sense of urgency, claiming that immediate action is required to avoid dire consequences. Be wary of messages pressuring you to act quickly without proper verification.

2. Hyperlinks and Malicious Attachments: Texts may contain links to fake websites or malware-laden attachments. Avoid clicking on any links or downloading attachments from unknown or suspicious sources.

3. Impersonation of Legitimate Organizations: Scammers frequently impersonate well-known entities, such as banks, government agencies, or reputable companies, to gain the trust of recipients.

How to Protect Yourself

1. Verify the Sender: If you receive an unexpected text, verify the sender’s identity independently. Contact the organization or individual directly using official contact information, not the details provided in the message.


2. Don’t Click on Suspicious Links: Avoid clicking on links in unsolicited texts. If a message claims to be from a legitimate source, visit the official website directly instead of using the provided link.


3. Educate Yourself and Others: Stay informed about the latest text scams and share this knowledge with friends and family. Awareness is a powerful tool in preventing scams.


4. Report Suspicious Texts: If you receive a suspicious text, report it to your mobile carrier and the appropriate authorities. This helps in tracking and preventing further scam attempts.


By staying vigilant and adopting these protective measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to text scams. Remember, an informed and cautious approach is your best defence in the digital age. Stay safe, stay aware!

If you have replied to a text scam, don’t panic. While it’s unfortunate that you engaged with the scam, taking prompt and appropriate actions can help minimize potential risks. Here’s what you should do:


1. Stop Further Communication:

   – Do not reply to any further messages from the scammer.

   – Avoid clicking on any links or downloading any attachments provided in the messages.


2. Report the Incident:

   – Forward the suspicious text to your mobile carrier. Most carriers have mechanisms in place to investigate and block scams.

   – If the scam involves impersonation of a legitimate organization, report the incident to the genuine organization using their official contact information.


3. Check Your Accounts:

   – Monitor your bank accounts, credit cards, and other financial accounts for any unauthorized transactions.

   – Change passwords for your accounts, especially if you shared any sensitive information.


4. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

   – Wherever possible, enable 2FA on your accounts to add an extra layer of security.


5. Contact Authorities:

   – Report the incident to the Gardaí or the appropriate authorities responsible for handling cybercrime.


6. Educate Yourself:

   – Learn about common scams and phishing tactics to better recognize and avoid them in the future.

   – Share your experience with friends and family to raise awareness and prevent others from falling victim to similar scams.


7. Update Security Software:

   – Ensure that your mobile device has up-to-date security software installed. Run a scan to check for any potential malware.


8. Be Skeptical:

   – Exercise caution when receiving unexpected messages, especially those requesting personal or financial information.

   – Verify the identity of the sender through official channels before providing any sensitive details.


Remember that scammers often prey on individuals who may be vulnerable or unsuspecting. By taking these steps, you can mitigate potential harm and contribute to the collective effort to combat scams. If you notice any suspicious activity or unauthorized access to your accounts, contact the relevant authorities and your service providers immediately.


Sextortion is a type of cyber extortion where there’s a threat or blackmail related to sharing intimate information, images, or clips without consent. The aim is to manipulate the victim for monetary gain, typically vouchers.

But what do you do when you feel you can’t talk to anyone? You feel all sorts of emotions, terror, fear, shame, embarrassment….

Firstly don’t panic, take a deep breath, you are not the first and unfortunately won’t be the last.

There is help.

The Garda are well experienced in this sort of crime and will assist you as well as Hotline.

Check out these links for advice on what to do.



Sometimes these messages are opportunistic, meaning they are sent out in the hope the message or email will coincide with the recent sharing of intimate pictures by someone. 


Also, for peace of mind do some research of others who have been through this and shared their experience



Try not to feel at blame, these are clever criminals and need to be stopped.

Don’t panic, Don’t feel alone, there is assistance.

Fake Westnet competitions

Westnet does not conduct competitions via SMS text messages. If you happen to receive a text message from Westnet regarding a competition, please disregard it.

For more resources on Internet safety have a look at https://www.webwise.ie/